Monday, February 17, 2020

The Mystery of the Vilna Gate-Caper yet to be resolved.

Okay, I've been quite intensively researching the origins of the famed Vilna-gate title-page that appears in most modern gemaras:

Image result for שער וילנא
Yup, this old thing. Anyway, I've made some interesting discoveries, which will be for another time, when I'll have more koach to write about it.
What boggles my mind is that no one seems to care who made this. It's an engraving, and from a base look, it's quite good. But who made it? Nothing. Nadda. Now, researching different versions and editions, I managed to make out some signatures - but their meanings are unclear.

I hope to go later this week to the NLI (National Library of Israel) in hopes of maybe digging up more info. I'll be quite bummed if they don't have an answer.

For me it'll be an adventure, though. This'll only be my second time at the NLI, and actually walking up to a worker there for info...well, hope it'll turn out alright.

Will update eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I've been trying to find information about the Vilna Gate (the lions in particular) for years. As far as I can tell, you are the only person on the internet with any information. I'm currently trying to make a video about the origins of that particular work of art and I would love to get in touch with you if you'd be willing to share your research.
